AutoSubtitle API Documentation

Better integrate your software with Autosubtitle Online



The Autosubtitle Online API is available to all paying users. With the API, users can programmatically upload their media files for transcription and download the resulting transcript as SRT. Read Autosubtitle API documentation details below.

API Keys

Autosubtitle’s API keys are open to all users, no matter you are paid subscribers or a trial account, you can request an API key if you need it. And you can access your API key here:

>>How to generate? Follow below steps.

autosubtitle api documentation step 1
Step 1-Autosubtitle API Documentation
autosubtitle api doc-step 2-3
Step 2 & Step 3-Autosubtitle API Documentation
autosubtitle API
Step 4- Autosubtitle API Documentation


All Autosubtitle API operations must be authorized with your access_key.

The current version of API is v1. All the operations use the following base URL:

Supported Languages

If you use the Enhanced version of transcription, please check the language code of Google. Contact us to request help.

Error Codes

Below are all the possible error codes you may encounter when you use the API.

1000Success!Your operation is successful.
1001Invalid Access Key!We do not recognize your Access key. Check your access key and resubmit.
1002Exceed Upload Limit!Your uploaded file is beyond the upload limit.
1003Format Error!Your uploaded file cannot match up the supported format.
1004Invalid Video!Your uploaded video does not exist.
1005Upload Failed!Your file has failed to upload. Please try again or upload again.
1006URL Video Download Failed!We cannot download the video via your paste URL.
2001Missing Video Tag!Your uploaded video has no UNIQUE “Tag”. Please upload again.
2002Video Not Upload!You have not uploaded the video yet.
2003User Time Insufficient!Your subscription time is insufficient, please order more first.
2004Video Failed to Load!We cannot catch the video screenshot for preview.
2005Video Parsing Failed!Your video’s audio or noise reduction has failed. Please try again or contact our developer.
2006Video Transmission Failed!Your video has failed to transmit to the server.
2007Transcription Failed!Your video has failed to transcription.
2008Subtitle Recognition Failed!We cannot recognized your video’s subtitles.
2009Subtitle Generation Failed!We cannot generate subtitles to your videos.
2010Email Sending Failed!We cannot send email to your provided email address.
3001Subtitle Download Failed!You do not upload or recognize. Please check once whether uploaded or recognized.

Sample Response Body

{"err_code": 1001, "err_msg": "Invalid Access Key"!}

Submit New Media

ReturnsMedia JSON for the newly uploaded file. If succeed, there will be an unique “tag” for each file.


FieldTypeRequiredContent-Type Description
user_idstringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedID of every single user.
access_keystringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedThe permission of Autosubtitle API.
urlstringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedThe media URL you want to download.

Sample Response Body

{“tag”: [“6e3c7df2-606f-11eb-8e48-495cdaef92d0”], “err_code”: 1000, “err_msg”: “Success!”}

Subtitle Generation

ReturnsSubtitle JSON for the uploaded file, only including success status code “1000”.


user_idstringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedID of every single user.
access_keystringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedThe permission of Autosubtitle API.
is_emailbooleanFalseapplication/jsonIf sending notification email or not.
is_noise_reductionbooleanFalseapplication/jsonIf using noise reduction or not.
is_enhancedbooleanFalseapplication/jsonIf choosing enhanced type or not.
filetagstringapplication/jsonReturned tag from /p/tts/upload_api, which is used to identified each uploaded file.
slanstringenapplication/jsonSource language code.
is_translatebooleanFalseapplication/jsonIf translation or not.
tlanstringzhapplication/jsonTarget language code.

Sample Response Body

{“err_code”: 1000}

Media Export

ReturnsSubtitle data flow which can be downloaded.


user_idstringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedID of every single user.
access_keystringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedThe permission of Autosubtitle API.
filetagstringapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedReturned tag from /p/tts/upload_api, which is used to identified each uploaded file.
fmtstringsrtapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedThe export format of subtitles.
subtitle_typestringsourceapplication/x-www-form-urlencodedThe type of subtitle languages. “source”=source language subtitle; “target”=target language subtitle; “double”= bilingual subtitles

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