AutoSubtitle Function Comparison


AutoSubtitle, founded in 2020, is dedicated to providing the best price and better service to its users. The following table is the function comparison between AutoSubtitle Online and other competitors.

Autosubtitle’s unique merits

Best price among subtitle market*

Autosubtitle, as the latest automatic subtitle generating tool, would like to display its utmost sincerity to provide service at the lowest price.

ToolAutosubtitle OnlineVe*dMaestra*uiteSubtitleb*eKawpi*gChecks*b
Pay As Go Price$0.1/Min; $6/Hour/$10/Hour//€12/Hour
Subscription Price$10/Mo.$18/Mo.$29/Mo.$19/Mo.$20/Mo.€18.9/Month
Price Compare

Free auto translation

Autosubtitle is the only auto subtitle creator that provides free auto-translation. Its translation tech is based on Google AI tech. Fast, accurate, and reliable.

Free Brand logo

Autosubtitle allows all users to add logos to their videos. Adding a brand logo is a good way to protect the copyright.

Free Manually subtitles

Autosubtitle not only allows users to generate subtitles automatically, but can add subtitles by yourselves. This function is totally free.

Noise Reduction*

Autosubtitle is the first one who has applied noise reduction tech in the subtitle generating field. The noise reduction function can help users to improve the video transcription quality.

We listed the contrast from basic functions to auxiliary functions. In order to make the difference and advantages clearer, we have stressed them by color already.

Comparison Details

All the competitive products are at the top of the automatic subtitle industry. Competing and comparing with the tops, make us do better.

Autosubtitle VS Others
AutoSubtitleMaestra*uiteSon*x Kawpi*g Checks*bSubtitleb*e
Payment TermsFree Trial10 mins/user
New Bonus: 2 hours/ $1
30 mins/userAt most 7 mins10 mins/user
Pay-as-you-goStart at $0.1/Min($6/Hour)$10/hour$10/HourNo€12/HourNo
Monthly subscription$10/MonthStart at $29/Month$5 / HOUR; PLUS $22 per user/Month$20/MonthStart at €18.9/MonthStart at $19/Month
Annual subscriptionNoNo$5 / HOUR; PLUS $198 per user/YearNoNoNo
Basic FunctionsPaste URL to upload videoYesNoYesYesNoNo
Audio transcriptionYesYesYesNoNoNo
Manual subtitles to videoYes&FreeYesNoYesNoNo
Auto subtitle to videoYesYesYesYesYesYes
Subtitle auto translationYes & FreeOnly for ProYesYesOnly for ProNo
Subtitle SettingsSubtitle text editingYesYesYesYesYesYes
Translation compareYesNoOnly for ProNoNoNo
Subtitle timestamp editingYesYesYesYesYesYes
font style editingYesYesYesYesNoYes
font color editingYesYesYesYesNoYes
font size editingYesYesYesYesNoYes
font background editingYesYesYesYesNoYes
Subtitle position editingYesYesYesYesNoYes
Video SettingsVideo size editingYesNoYesYesNoYes
Add tilte to videoYes & FreeNoNoYesNoOnly once for free
Add logo to videoYes & FreeNoNoYesNoOnly for Pro
Video background editingYesNoYesYesNoYes
ExportSubtitle files exportYesYesYesYesYesYes but limited
Video exportYesYesYesYesYesYes
OthersVideo StoreUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedOnly for ProUnlimitedUnlimited
Noise ReductionYesNoNoNoNoNo


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