Why should we do video business online?
In 2020, the way we get information has changed a lot. Ten years ago, we got fashion trends, public news, an anecdote from the web search, the newspaper, the magazines… But with the development of smartphones and the upgrade of networks, most of us receive information via social media by blog or vlog.
People would like to watch videos rather than reading text.
Obviously, everyone has watched videos on YouTube, and almost all people, like you and me, have liked the pictures, or stories on Instagram and Facebook. And maybe some of you also like to share your spare time on TikTok, which has appeared and grown in recent 3 years.
No matter which application you used, it shows that it is time for Videos Business. Your grandpa may watch news feed on Facebook. It is an online video. And your mom will watch the series on YouTube. That is video business too. Your undergraduate brother may watch the splendid shots moment of NBA on Instagram stories. Video too. And you may find some hitting-the-mind ideas for your next Vlogs on TikTok. Definitely, the short video is a video business as well.
We pay more attention to the videos, even it is without sound. [Why subtitle is important for video?] Because the video can give us the most direct and rapid information in a short time. Because most young men are busy with living, they do not have much time to read 3 minutes or 5 minutes article which is full of redundant description, while they can view a short video in 30 seconds to get the same message.
Social media have occupied much more time than you expect.
Let’s focus on the average daily using time on social media around the globe first.
- North America: 2 hrs and 6 mins.
- South America: 3 hrs and 24 mins.
- Africa: 3 hrs and 10 mins.
- Europe: 1 hr and 15 mins.
- Asia/Oceania: 2 hrs and 16 mins.
(All the data is from Broadbandsearch.org)
In 2020, WHO has estimated that the global average lifespan is 72 years, and if we assume a person starting his social media life as 10 years old, that means the person will use 3,462,390 minutes on social media during his whole lifespan.
Bureau of Labour Statistics data shows that people spend more time on social media than on some other real-life activities. (Pic cr. Broadbandsearch.org)

Social media will continue to influence our life. And short video business will continue to be the trend in the following 2 years. Catch the trend is what seizes Pluto.